Visual Studio is not only the best development IDE, but it also is the most convenient IDE. Microsoft keeps making things easier for developers who use Visual Studio. A perfect example of this fact is the addition of the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio, which is the best way to use Git in Visual Studio. Once you have installed GitHub Extension for Visual Studio 2017, you should connect to your GitHub account by doing the following: From Team menu, click Manage Connections. Click Connect to connect to your GitHub account. Or signup in case, you don't have a GitHub account by clicking SignUp. GitHub Codespaces supports Visual Studio Code and modern web browsers. With your development in the cloud, seamlessly switch between tools and contribute code from anywhere, anytime.
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In this video, we install the GitHub extension in Visual Studio.
![Using Github With Visual Studio Using Github With Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.github.com/images/install-the-extension.png)
Visual Studio Hub
Hi there, I'm Carling, and I want to showyou how to use Github with Visual Studio. 0:04
Using Github With Visual Studio 2017
Github is a source controlhosting provider that uses Git. 0:10
A lot of popular open source projectsuse GitHub for collaboration. 0:13
The open sourced asp.net and.netcore are hosted on Github, and 0:17
If you don't have a GitHub account,it's easy to create one and it's free for 0:23
We'll be installing andusing the GitHub extension 0:29
along with using the Git integrationtools that come with Visual Studio. 0:32
source control in general,make sure to check out our course on Git. 0:37
haven't used GitHub,then check out our course on GitHub. 0:42
![Visual Visual](https://carldesouza.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/img_5e8c836112ff0.png)
Links to those coursesare in the teacher's notes. 0:45
After this workshop, you'll be comfortablewith using GitHub in Visual Studio to 0:49
track your changes, keep your codesafe and share it with others. 0:52
We'll be using the communityedition of Visual Studio 2015. 0:57
It's free to use, so if you don't haveit installed, pause the video and 1:00
check out the link in the Teachers Notesto get everything set up. 1:04
I wanna point out that Visual Studiohas Git integration already, but 1:11
the GitHub extension will let usdo more with GitHub repositories. 1:14
Let's click on Tools andthen Extensions and Updates. 1:18
Now there's actually a way toinclude the GitHub extension during 1:24
![With With](https://www.mssqltips.com/tipimages2/6557_azure-devops-cicd-using-github-repo-and-visual-studio.017.png)
![Using Using](https://code.visualstudio.com/assets/docs/editor/github/review-pull-request.gif)
the initial install of Visual Studio,so you may already see it in this list. 1:27
In the sidebar expand the Online option,this extension is 1:31
pretty popular among developers, sohere it is near the top of the list. 1:35
If you don't see it, type in GitHubin the upper right search box, and 1:39
You can make sure you've got the rightone by checking that it's made by 1:46
Click the Download button. 1:53
And then restart Visual Studio. 2:01
most source control functions are inthe team explorer panel here. 2:05
We now have GitHub inthe Hosted Service Providers section. 2:09
If you don't have an account,click on Sign Up, and 2:12
it will open a browser window tothe sign up page on github.com. 2:15
You should take a moment to sign upbefore moving on to the next video. 2:19
You need to sign up for Treehouse in order to download course files.